freight forwarder

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How can a freight forwarder quote fast and gain more sales?

For a traditional freight forwarder, it’s not that easy to quote fast. That often leads to losing the opportunity to gain more sales. But now, with digitization and new technologies, reversing that situation is possible. How? This is what we want to share with you.   Technology is developed to make our lives easier every […]

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User: Freight forwarder – Password: Digital

If a freight forwarder wants to enter the new world, the one that the maritime industry is transforming into, it must know that the key to access it is: to be digital.    The global digital transformation market in 2018 was valued at US$ 54.92 billion, and by 2025 the projection is an increase of […]

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The freight forwarder of the future: opportunity areas

The freight forwarder of the future will be the one that is already preparing to conquer it. The future of the maritime industry and global trade, while not predictable, can be projected as the largest user of digital technology and innovations, because it is growing and modernizing voraciously. So what are the opportunity areas that […]

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How to prepare your freight forwarder for change

Change is hard. As human beings, we get used to our comfort zone and we resist a lot when someone or something tries to take us out of it. As a business, it can be even more difficult to face changes, because we have to take through the process many resistant people at the same […]

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7 lead generation tips for freight forwarders

Many traditional freight forwarders haven’t realized how much help they could get from using digital marketing strategies to get leads. They are still focusing on offline methods and are not aware of online sales benefits. It is now time for them to join the digital era, and we are willing to help. Therefore, we decided […]

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9 tools freight forwarders should use to catch up with digital business

By now it’s well known that digitization is taking over not only the freight forwarding industry but also all of the business world. Some companies have been able to use technology to their favor, such as the startups, but there are still many others that stick to the old way, such as traditional freight forwarders. […]

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Traditional freight forwarders under threat by 5 types of companies

With the uprising of digital transformation, traditional freight forwarders are being threatened by five types of companies. There are now startups, suppliers, and even customers using new technologies to develop many business models that improve the customer experience and the operations’ efficiency. These new digital business models have the strength to seize the industry’s leadership, […]

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5 steps to start a freight forwarder’s digital transformation

In this constantly evolving world, change is inevitable. Nowadays, digital transformation in all types of business and industries is unstoppable. We now see more and more freight forwarders starting this path as well as technological enterprises that have accelerated change in this industry. It is time to adapt and evolve, but do you know at […]

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4 differences between traditional and digital freight forwarders

Over the past years, there has been a remarkable increase of digital freight forwarders. It is the result of the imminent need for digital transformation that has been growing in the logistics industry. But, what is actually the difference between traditional and digital freight forwarders? Let’s find out.   It has been a while since […]

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