international logistics

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Spot Rates & Forecast 2023: Natural Selection in The Logistics Industry

A look at the past Spot rates unpredictability made carriers took advantage of market conditions and supply shortages for the past two years. They were able to push for higher long-term contract rates and established terms and conditions that better fit their business. For example, Maersk incremented its multi-year contract share to nearly 70% of […]

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Why should logistics operators invest in digital tools?

Freight forwarders manage a lot of information day by day, and they share it with many parties who are usually located across the globe. Thanks to digitalization, now they can do it using digital tools like cloud computing services and high-speed data sharing. But, why should they invest in these new technologies? Digital tools like […]

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3 threats that maritime industry agents will face

Despite the disruptions in supply chains, shipping, and global economies caused by the pandemic in 2020, the industry has gained some confidence in facing different threats and has learned how to manage new risks. However, there are still other problems that endanger the continuity of the different agents for the next decade. We invite you […]

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3 unacknowledged costs that freight forwarders are facing

Freight forwarders’ profit margin is limited as their earnings come from helping shippers to organize the loads and properly deliver their shipments. This margin is often affected by neglecting the hidden costs of using outdated systems that make their tasks even more difficult and invested expenses. Thus, we decided to list for you those hidden […]

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How can freight forwarders reduce their costs

Competitiveness in the freight forwarding industry is on the rise. Now, freight forwarders must be alert so that their profit margins are not reduced. One of the alternatives to keep the company profitable may be to keep costs low. But how can this be achieved?   In a freight forwarder, reducing costs can sometimes seem […]

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6 tips to survive the peak shipping season

In freight forwarding, the peak shipping season is the busiest one of the year due to increased demand, which leads to higher rates and much tougher competition. This season is just around the corner and that is why, at Cargofive, we share with you some tips to get the most out of it.   The […]

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These companies are challenging traditional freight forwarders

As digitalization in the sector progresses, traditional freight forwarders face more and more challenges, and their survival now depends on how prepared they are. Today, there are certain companies that are threatening their position in the market and we think it is important to analyze them, in order to take action on the matter as […]

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Canva Cargo Ship at the Ocean during Day

2021 Trends for the logistics sector: opportunity or survival

The pandemic that emerged in 2020 has considerably marked the logistics sector and especially the maritime industry, which is very linked to economic development, supply chains, and consumption. Due to these effects, business strategies had to focus on avoiding uncertainty and achieving fast adaptation in front of imminent changes. With that in mind, we decided […]

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