International shipping

rutas marítimas

Top 5 sea lanes most searched by freight forwarders

International maritime shipping is currently the most important branch of cargo shipping. Although it has numerous advantages such as cost savings, storage capacity, or the variety of products that can be transported, it’s essential that its costs are carefully analyzed to achieve greater efficiency. At Cargofive, we noticed the huge work that freight forwarders are […]

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Startups promoting the maritime industry’s digitalization

Repetitive and manual tasks represent an obstacle for many freight forwarders and agents involved in international trade. Today, we can take advantage of the variety of digital tools at our fingertips to exponentially improve our processes and focus our efforts on other activities. For this reason, together with our friends at eTEU, we have decided […]

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The future of the new supply chains

The logistics sector began to walk the way towards the new normal post-COVID-19. This time previous to the new normal is characterized by the reorganization of what we learned from a period as unstable as the first part of the year was. Resilience, demand, transportation, and a new way of working are the drivers of […]

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How can freight forwarders improve their processes using Cargofive?

Freight forwarders constantly face challenges just by being part of such a changing industry as maritime freight is. Therefore, they must have adequate tools that boost and facilitate their processes at the same time that they reduce costs and improve their profit margins. At Cargofive, we are willing to help them and take the digital […]

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Top 10 ocean carriers around the world

Ocean carriers are key players in international logistics. They are in charge of moving goods from one place to another all around the world by sea. But, do you really know them and what’s behind each one of them? Let’s take a look at the top ten ocean carriers on the whole planet. 1. Maersk […]

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4 reasons why digital revolution in international shipping is unstoppable

It’s been a while since the world entered the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, which refers to a digital revolution. Everything is changing. There is a new way of doing everything, from the simplest thing to the most complex one. All of our lives depend now on electronic devices, systems and internet. So, can the international shipping […]

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