The use and efficient management of information are crucial for businesses involved in a digital context or that are willing to join the digital movement. Nowadays, this task is more and more important for managers’ departments because it facilitates decision-making. So, how can freight forwarders take advantage of it?
Business intelligence is a process that uses knowledge and analytical skills at every company level. To achieve this, it’s crucial to transform historical data into relevant information to optimize the decision-making process.
This process also has the goal to achieve a development that allows leads generation through the creation of specific profiles that reflect their desires, needs, behaviors, etc. This is possible through the interpretation and analysis of information obtained beforehand, which means an acquired behavior. Even if this looks like a marketing process, the business intelligence can – and must- be distributed in the entire company to get timely conclusions.
What are the benefits of business intelligence for freight forwarders?
- Better precision
Clients demand more and more detailed information in less time. This is possible due to business intelligence because they always have access to the information needed. Furthermore, internally, manager decision-making is done easily because they foresee factors that may affect the company.
- Fewer costs and time
Logistics processes have to withstand cost pressure that is intrinsically linked to the time they expend in every activity. Because of this, information management through business intelligence becomes more efficient due to the formulation of new working plans based on historical analysis. With this, costs distribution is simplified as problematic areas are more visible and can be fixed in less time.
- Transparency + visibility
The following of the commercial and logistics process is crucial for the client. With the help of business intelligence, we can offer a service that gives following and tracking data, as well as transparency of the costs that are involved. As a result, this will add a unique value and our customers will feel comfortable to plan more processes with us at the end of the day.
- Focus on the customer
Having customer-centered strategies is a trend from years ago, but it’s persisting because it’s the best way known to do it. With business intelligence, as we said before, we can create a specific profile based on the real demands, which allows us to formulate strategies to achieve a good relationship between the logistics provider and the customer. Thus, we can retain them and offer a differential value.
This process is not just about storing data conveniently but to reach an efficient implementation of digital solutions that allow us to level up our company. From now on, achieving transactional strategies that let us get a synergy combining intelligence with experience must be our next goal. In Cargofive, we know that plenty of companies in the sector have to catch up with the benefits of digitalization, and that’s why we are willing to give them our support to join the digital era.