Freight forwarders digitization is now a reality

All the maritime industry has been reached by technology, whether it is a big or a small business. Less and less companies will still use spreadsheets, faxes or negotiating only through phone calls. And here is our opportunity: the progress in the industry. What should we have in mind now?

Freight forwarders digitization is becoming a trend that must be analyzed seriously. Some disruptors have already got on the digital transformation wave and they’re writing new paradigms for the industry. Nowadays, they constitute a fearless group who saw an opportunity in technological advances and who were encouraged to take advantage of them. 

The truth is that a big group, for different reasons, is still insecure in front of the significant change that a digital freight forwarder means. But dismissing this opportunity could be a huge mistake, considering the increasing innovation demand in the field.

How can we benefit from freight forwarders digitization?

We must recognize it, the new logistics companies are not walking blind, quite opposite. They constantly learn and get feedback from data offered by different digital tools. Using them forwarders create patterns and standards that can be applied to boost their processes. 

In this aspect, traditional freight forwarders can benefit using data and information stored for years and years during their operations. With that richness, they can learn and formulate new strategies and processes. The achieved experience could be the key. 

On the other hand, digital freight forwarders respond to clients expectations fastly. How? They invest in intern training related to customer support, focusing their efforts on creating bonds with them. This way, they achieve true customer satisfaction. As we are talking about new estructures, they also use and develop customer training programs but to a lesser extent. 

Furthermore, they integrate their systems with others to achieve a fluid communication between many parties, generate more leads and improve their customers’ experience. This connection allows them to find new solutions, information and outside data with lower costs, fastly, simply and securely. Thus, there are many options to integrate systems, it’s just a matter of choosing the one that adapts better to the company needs. 

Changes in the industry are happening more and more quickly, and they are huge changes. Because of that, no freight forwarder must be afraid of innovation if the goal is to take the opportunity offered. So, let’s boost the logistics digital transformation!